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Matchy Star Crack


Updated: Mar 13, 2020

About This Game Matchy Star is a twist on the classic match 3 game style where players must collect matches based on the ships' pre-set path. A vast galaxy to explore, all the way from Star Base to the legendary Xanadu with 46 levels throughout 11 systems, and colorful little stars derping all over the place. The game includes 30 items with a hundred different stat boosts to collect for your bubbly and swanky ships: Zippy, Skippy, and Bob. They're fancy and special, so they need their proper swag.Zippy, Skippy, and Bob are not alone! They have the help of 7 rocket surgeon stars, supporting them along the way: Matchy Star, Spacey Galaxy, Speedy Sputnik, Doctor UFO, Guru Moon, and Pirate Planet. These familiar faces are from Matchy's Kooky Cookies and MatchyGotchy, and they are coming back to the rescue. Help Matchy Star complete all these puzzle challenges and make it all the way to Xanadu, because last time he was there he forgot his wallet. It is time to get your Matchy on!Meet The ShipsTo reach Xanadu, Matchy Star has taken up the help of his three most efficient ships: Zippy, Skippy and Bob. The three ships must meticulously follow their flight plan based on the available path, extending their range with the help of the stars they collect along the way. In order to move forward, you must match as many stars as possible in the ship's flight path. The faster you string gigantic matches together the better. Zippy is the largest and slowest ship, but he makes up for it by baking the best cookies ever. Skippy is mid-sized and goes second, holding the record for eating the most cookies under a minute. Bob is the smallest and fastest, and for some unknown reason he likes burnt cookies. However quirky their relationship with cookies might be, they all agree in their love of wearing items that helps them improve their stats. Get yourself a crown, a monocle, a beard and a sword! Turn your ship into the most stylish cool kid in the galaxy.You can collect special power ups too, which provide important help to your space exploring efficiency. The number of victory stars you collect throughout each level determines their power level including: gem score bonuses, speed regulation, fuel consumption and buffer alerts. Advanced levels can get a bit difficult, so items and power ups can make a difference. If you enjoyed MatchyGotchy and Matchy's Kooky Cookies, then we invite you come along with Matchy Star once more into the game that gave birth to this new colorful world.Matchy Star is an original game by Silverware Games bringing a world of cuteness, random silliness, and interactive fun. We welcome you in this journey along with us, and invite you to make yourself comfortable and enjoy the fun.Thank you for playing! You are what keeps Matchyverse alive ~☆ b4d347fde0 Title: Matchy StarGenre: Casual, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Silverware Games, Inc.Publisher:Silverware Games, Inc.Franchise:Matchy StarRelease Date: Warpspeed 2019! Matchy Star Crack MerryGotchy Christmas: We come bearing good tidings of cheer and mirth.To get into the holiday spirit, MatchyGotchy is celebrating Christmas. There is a Christmas selfie screen, holiday food and snacks as well as a little bit of snow because this holiday update is super cool. Check it out now before all the presents are opened and the season is past!Download it here: Matchy Colors and Star Shapes: Designing a set of Stars for the Matchyverse required so many iterations I’ve lost track. We needed memorable shapes that stood out and were distinct and they eventually took on personas and characteristics of their own. Here is some more info on how we did it:We really started from nothing and got a whole universe. At first we were calling these seven just “gems” or “shapes.” It would take months before we realized they were Stars and the Matchyverse was born. Getting the final shapes for the Matchy Star “Stars” took a lot of design work. The first Star, Matchy was pretty straightforward to put together but we needed a set of 7 which meant color and shape differentiation to make it very easy for players to tell which shape was which. For the colors we started with the color palate from Don’t Shoot Yourself which was designed to be bright and vibrant but not to have the colors clash or compete with one another.The first step was figuring out a set of spacy out of this world shapes that would both fit the theme and also stand out from one another. After Matchy Star, a crescent Moon was a pretty easy choice and I guess the phrase Blue Moon had entered my unconsciousness so I decided to make this Star blue.The basic moon shape took 2 iterations. The first one was a bit too thin and my mom pointed out that it should be a bit beefier to be a cuter shape so I tweaked it and got the final version.The next idea I had was for a space satellite which was originally orange. It required a lot of simplifications before it became a red sputnik. I had a sputnik character in Speedway Heroes which was part of why the iconic lil’ spud was in my brain and I knew it was a great iconic space related shape so it made it into the game.Once it was clear the Sputnik would be red, I made a ringed planet that was Orange. By Rotating it 45 degrees it seemed much bigger despite not taking up more texture space:The next Star wasn’t so clearly defined so it needed a bunch of iterations. It was supposed to be a galaxy expanding into space. I figured the spokes and points would make it stand out from the rest of the shapes. Getting the number of spokes and their curves took a lot of fidgeting. Some iterations looked like saw blades, others looked like gears.I knew I had to have a robot and I guess because of the Android logo I assumed it would be green. We had to compact it a little bit to avoid being too similar to the Android android and changed it to being a “Lander” instead.The last Star was the most complicated. It was meant to be a space ship before I had the concept of using a set of ships to collect matches:Similarly there was going to be a UFO to sow chaos and cause all kinds of trouble but the Ship and the UFO would switch places with the UFO becoming a gem and the Ship traveling above the grid. Its possible to tell what direction the Ship is moving in by looking at it and players needed that to help predict which direction the characters would be moving in.Thus we got the final Star, a UFO:Even after getting the shapes right, we still had more iterations on the combined colors of everything to make sure different Stars stood out, we would even make the images black and white to see what the different intensities of the colors were to make everything stand out as distinct as possible:Finally Jimp stylized all the Stars and added faces, giving the complete look and completing this epic design task:Eventually we punched up each Star to have a set of clothing and a profession based on their outfit and even designed personalities for each one that affect how they work in the various Matchy Verse games. It was a long, complex, and difficult process, but the Matchyverse finally has its Stars! Matchy Celebration: It's been one year since MatchyGotchy launched on Steam! Thank you for downloading and playing MatchyGotchy, it means the world to us. What originally became a simple idea to introduce the Matchyverse, it is now a world of its own - and weeks away from important MatchyGotchy Z updates, we can say there is much more coming for Matchy Star and friends.We are currently working non-stop on MatchyGotchy Z and Matchy Star, and as are preparing for publishing, we are excited to share some launch dates very soon! However, we decided to do a Birthday update to MatchyGotchy to celebrate it's one year anniversary. From today Feb 1st, until next week Feb 8th, you will be able to enjoy birthday celebrations - including birthday cake to go along with your selfie! And from here on, you will be able to celebrate your Star's birthday whenever their birthday comes along.Again, thank you for all the patience and support you have given us so far. We continue to grow the Matchyverse and would love to take you along with us! Join our Discord so you can chat with us real time[], there will be Matchy updates, gaming talk, cheese, derp and fun :)-Say ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡. Silverware Games Discord: []Hello citizens of the Matchyverse! We are now launching a discord chat to allow players to connect and to help build up the community for Silverware Games.This server will be primarily used to give players beta access to in development games but it will also be a place share screenshots, post derpy art, celebrate the special uniqueness of what you’ve named your MatchyGotchy pets, and create collaborative spoken word albums. You can join up right here: will also be leading in to the MatchyGotchy Z beta test. We haven’t sent out the invites to the beta, but we know some of you have already reached out to Say expressing interest. If you still haven’t, get in touch with her so we can consider you for the special MatchyGotchy Z beta channel in the Discord. Hope to talk to you soon!-MichaelSilverware Games, Señor Cheezoid. MatchyGotchy Z Hatching March 4th!: The most successful beta testing experience we ever had, inspired a whole new game and we have a release date now. Introducing Zoot as a currency, you can buy all sorts of new items on MatchyMart and customize your gaming experience away - MatchyGotchy Z is almost here!☆ MatchyGotchy Z ☆ is a brand new game coming soon to Early Access. We decided to include the community in the on-going development process this time around, and it is because of your kindness and support that the Matchyverse 🚀 continues to grow :) MatchyGotchy Z is hatching on Early Access March 4th ~☆ here to follow our Steam developer page to keep up with updatesAnd join our Discord so you can chat with us real time during Early Access[]More updates coming next week!-Say ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡. MATCHYGOTCHY Z IS HERE!: MatchyGotchy Z is a colorful digital pet game that combines idle clicker elements with a new take on pet-raising simulation: trainable personalities. All the nostalgia of those old virtual pets, fully adapted into a new desktop gaming experience. After months preparing, it is now available on Steam Early Access with a 20% launch discount! You can find MatchyGotchy Z on Steam right here. the Matchyverse as we keep up with Early Access updates, community feedback, giveaways on our Silverware Games Discord server[]. We are also available on Twitter and Facebook[]. Although, if social media is not your thing, you can also subscribe to our newsletter[] or if you would prefer you can follow Silverware Games Steam developer page.Also, last week we launched a Fun Pack DLC for both MatchyGotchy and MatchyGotchy Z! These are wallpaper packs featuring five colorful themes each for you to decorate your desktop with the best Rocket Surgeons of the Galaxy, available for 16:10, 16:9 and 4:3 monitors. By purchasing these, you support us while we continue to build many more casual games for the Matchyverse. You can find MatchyGotchy Fun Pack DLC right here on Steam. And you can check out MatchyGotchy Z Fun Pack DLC on Steam here.Buy MatchyGotchy Z right here on Steam for only $4.79! Special launch discount is available for a limited time only, so don’t miss out and join in the Early Access fun 🙂-Silverware Games Team. Meet The Rocket Surgeons: MatchyGotchy happened as a result of Matchy Star. While working with Matchy Star, we wanted to give these cute characters a life of their own. This is where the idea of interacting with them as virtual pets came into the Matchyverse.Matchy Star is the original character, and he explores the Alpha System where he meets all the other stars on the way. Originally called gems, as part of a match 3 design, eventually they all became characters instead and we call them Stars now thanks to MatchyGotchy.The stars were given a purpose in space, they want to grow to become rocket surgeons. It comes from that quirky mix of ‘rocket science’ and ‘brain surgery’, commonly used as a light hearted and fun take joke to suggest high intelligence or higher qualifications. Each of their own have their specific jobs though, and also their own personalities.Just like any virtual pet experience, they have their own growth and different phases of it.Smol EggWe decided to make the Stars hatch as a fond reference to tamagotchies from back then. There is no care to the egg, as we initially intended to make MatchyGotchy a short and intuitive experience to introduce the characters. In MatchyGotchy, it’s just a transitional phase that requires no care taking – we are revisiting this concept for MatchyGotchy Z!Tiny Baby.Stars are born without any outfit, or any skills. They are smart cookies though, so they are drawn to build ships in order to become a rocket surgeon – they slowly pick up on productivity as they grow up. At first, it’s a learning curve, just about the same it is for the player learning how to take care of their stars.Awkward Teenager.The are halfway into full productivity and job purpose. Once they level up, they don’t only grow in size but also acquire part of their main outfit. It knd of looks a tad off, which is the reason why it fits so well the idea of being a teenager in those awkward years while growing up. At this stage they require a bit less of undivided attention but they get distracted and sick much easier.Rocket Surgeon.They finally reach their normal size, full clothing, and a range of productivity which they do not while babies. As they continue to work, they peak in speed at their job – they get better and now you can use your stars to build up ships to get to Xanadu. They become a bit more independent and work their very best.Just like any tamagotchi-like experience, they need food and care to grow. They can also get sick, they sleep – and in MatchyGotchy, they can also die with bad care. We originally designed six actions, food and snacks, a traditional left/right game, cleaning, health and selfies. Cycling through these as needed will allow your Star to be fully productive and grow as they should to become Rocket Surgeons. Including selfies, they are part of the entertainment factor Stars need.There are a total of seven Stars, and each star has a particular task as a rocket surgeon. Let’s meet the Rocket Surgeons:MATCHY STAR AS AN ALL-DIMENSIONAL MASTER SHIPWRIGHTMatchy Star is an engineer extraordinaire. Ready to use mathematics and a trusty graphing calculator to explore the cosmos, Matchy is happy, upbeat, and full of unbridled contagious enthusiasm. Matchy’s positive nature inspires other stars to achieve nerdy heights.SPACEY GALAXY AS DAUNTLESS ELEGANT DIPLOMATSpacey Galaxy once managed to negotiate a truce in the Klatu Nebula by strategically sneezing at exactly the right moment. Never shying away from the personal touch, Spacey once took a galactic ruler’s space dog to the groomers all in the name of peace.SPEEDY SPUTNIK AS INTERSTELLAR SHIPMENT MANAGERSpeedy Sputnik knows the routes though space to get anywhere fast. Speedy managed to change the speed of light for a few hours just to make sure a delivery got to its destination on time. Always out for a promotion, this Sputnik dreams of doing deliveries for Matchy Mart.DOCTOR UFO SPACE PHYSICIAN MDDoctor UFO attended space medical school at the prestigious Space University of Medicine and Shoe Cobbling. Don’t let the good doctor’s derpy demeanor fool you, this UFO is capable of diagnosing a multitude of diseases by sense of smell alone!PIRATE PLANET AS A MIGHTY BOOTY HUNTER Pirate Planet is so grumpy that just scowling can intimidate enemies into surrendering their valuables without the need to say a word. Pirate Planet is a noble pirate, only stealing things the rapscallion really wants but doesn’t have and can’t afford.LOONY LANDER AS QUAINT ALIEN BOTANISTLoony Lander realized an internal talent for botany by managing to plant a spare microchip which grew into a tree that had tiny little computers on it. The computers were too small to use but they taste great!GURU MOON AS ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST SPECIALISTAlways one for supernatural coincidences and fortune telling shenanigans, Guru Moon became a Guru by successfully predicting how long the halftime show at the Space Bowl would be every year 5 years in a row down to the second.Have you played MatchyGotchy yet? You should! It’s fun, it’s cute and it’s also entirely free. If you enjoyed the game, you can support us by leaving a positive review :) MatchyGotchy Love: Happy Valentine's Day everyone 💕Reminder that MatchyGotchy Valentine's cuteness is available now! Starting today, all the Valentine's Day specials are free to download, play, and love! Available only for seven days, if you missed out on last year then make sure you don't miss out this year. Go ahead and share the love on Valentine's Day :) -Say ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡. Fun Pack DLC ☆: MatchyGotchy Z is hatching next Monday via Early Access, and to celebrate, we have launched not one, but two DLCs this week!We received comments to get more options available to support the studio, as we had requests to get more artwork available too. We decided to combine both, and now you can download HD artwork to decorate your desktop MatchyGotchy style!MatchyGotchy Fun Pack is a DLC available via MatchyGotchy. It's a free game, so by purchasing the wallpaper DLC, you are supporting Silverware Games and you get to keep the game on your library as well. There are 5 colorful wallpapers available: Z Fun Pack is a DLC available for MatchyGotchy Z, just like the other Fun Pack, it is meant to be a developer support back that brings the new colorful Matchyverse places and characters right to your desktop. There are 5 colorful wallpapers available: way to support us is by joining the Matchyverse! You can join our discord[], or if you don't care for social media, you can subscribe to our newsletter[] instead :)We will be doing giveaway for the Fun Pack DLCs to celebrate MatchyGotchy Z launching March 4th on Early Access ~☆ -Say ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡


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