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PAYDAY 2: Sydney Character Pack Keygen Online


Updated: Mar 13, 2020

About This Content Anarchy isn’t just a watered down symbol on a t-shirt...The Sydney Character Pack is the 34th DLC for PAYDAY 2. Heisters can now play as the furious Sydney. It also contains the Anarchist Perk Deck together with the Bootleg Assault Rifle and Wing Melee Knife.Sydney originates from Australia, but more importantly, from the electric and unleashing mayhem called PUNK. She’s been ruling the backstreets of Melbourne, infusing anarchy and havoc wherever she felt it was needed. But now she’s grown tired of fighting the same fuzz over and over. So with nothing more than her attitude she kicks in the US door and sets her aim on the best heisters in the world - the PAYDAY gang.The Anarchist Perk Deck - it's all about keep standing and keep fighting without, to quote Sydney: “hide behind crates like a f**king wanker!”. The Anarchist lets you fight on as your armor is almost beyond what bullets can penetrate.The Bootleg assault rifle - is Sydney’s weapon of choice. As it was her first automatic weapon she seldom lets it out of her sight. The additional ammo in the LMG drum mag is also fun when you're simply too bored to reload.Two new, unique mods - comes with the Bootleg Assault Rifle. The AML Barrel and the Bootstrap Compensator. In combination with the Bootleg, they’ll inflict that much-sought chaos.Some have a rabbit’s foot, maybe some carries a rosary - But for Sydney, it’s her beloved butterfly knife, Wing. Fidgeting with it keeps her calm - for a while. But some time even she can’t control her steel based pet and attacks.Sydney’s mask - is the embodiment of that special, little bastard who enjoys when stuff burns. With a big smirking smile she approaches upcoming victims - signaling that what she’s about to do, isn’t just a necessary evil to get the job done - it’s also fun! b4d347fde0 Title: PAYDAY 2: Sydney Character PackGenre: Action, RPGDeveloper:OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Release Date: 12 May, 2016 PAYDAY 2: Sydney Character Pack Keygen Online What could be more awesome than a batshit crazy punk? Right, pack one of the best perk decks for the higher difficulties and a sick knife into it!As you may have seen, I love Sydney. I play her most time and she brings the right amount of crazyness into the gangThe rifle is ok. Its good for Overkill difficulty or below, but Mayhem and above is a hard time. It's a morph of AR and LMG and misses too much of both sides to be actually worth the pickThe knife is, stat wise, the same as many other knifes. But thats not the reason to get it. It has a cool animation when charging up, and be honest, who doesnt love butterfly knifes?The perk deck however is actually one of the most used decks through Death Wish and One Down, offering good bonus armor based on your health, and restoring it over time. Use it with Bullseye Aced and bring the headshots on, so you may never run out of armor!. finally a butterfly knife for only 5 bucks. -Very good new charater, with just awesome voice acting, Georgia van Cuylenburg made fantastic work here.-Very interesting perk deck for all armor types to play, with upcoming skill revamp it can become even better cause of armor tuning-And as huge fan of assault rifles in payday i fall in love with 100magazine rifle, bullet hell as it isOverall i really like this pack, Sydney is well-made, very close to Jimmy in voice-acting quolity, very charismatic and psychopathic, what else do you need? :). Sydney Character Pack The Anarchist Perkdeck is a pretty good perkdeck, you can even create a dodge build using it, even when Anarchist Perkdeck was an Armor-based Perkdeck. The Bootleg Rifle is one of the \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665iest AR i'd rather use an actual LMG. and introducing Sydney, the youngest heister. She can be your waifu too 8.3\/10. Not a big fan of Sydney's player model (facial and hair cut wise) But her voice is alright and her perk deck is pretty cool. Gun looks cool and hits hard when building the right mods for it. Melee sucks still but butterfly knife looks awesome. However, it's another DLC from Overkill that still shine away some new players and older players. Get it on a sale or just ignore this one. It's nothing big and special.. I bought The DLC when it was on sale.Worth The normal price? No.Worth The -75\u2105 sale price I paid for it? Absolutely yes.In this DLC you get:-Sydney's mask-Bootleg Rifle-Butterfly knife melee weapon-A few weapon mods-Anarchist perk deckThe bootleg Rifle CONS-Very slow to reload when you don't have Rifle reloading skills-weak Rifle on The deathwish difficultPROS-plenty of ammo-decent Rifle on difficulties lower than deathwishMelee weapon-typical butterfly knife with nice animationsThe Anarchist Perk Deck-Your health will be converted to armor. Dealing damage to enemies will regenerate armor. Very good perk deck in my opinion and it plays fine on deathwish, too. Probably the best bit of this DLC.Sydney herself-I reckon her pager answers are better than some of the other charachters I have used. I have nothing to complain about what she's saying\/shouting in loud.. I bought The DLC when it was on sale.Worth The normal price? No.Worth The -75\u2105 sale price I paid for it? Absolutely yes.In this DLC you get:-Sydney's mask-Bootleg Rifle-Butterfly knife melee weapon-A few weapon mods-Anarchist perk deckThe bootleg Rifle CONS-Very slow to reload when you don't have Rifle reloading skills-weak Rifle on The deathwish difficultPROS-plenty of ammo-decent Rifle on difficulties lower than deathwishMelee weapon-typical butterfly knife with nice animationsThe Anarchist Perk Deck-Your health will be converted to armor. Dealing damage to enemies will regenerate armor. Very good perk deck in my opinion and it plays fine on deathwish, too. Probably the best bit of this DLC.Sydney herself-I reckon her pager answers are better than some of the other charachters I have used. I have nothing to complain about what she's saying\/shouting in loud.. Stay down little doggy


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